Here's the Lily Of The Valley Bouquet. I think it's very cute, and a perfect centerpiece for an table.
Here's the lone (ranger) Lily Of The Valley. Poor thing is all alone in a very small pot!
Anyways, onto the important stuff. This morning, a big group of jammers came together at Mt. Shiveer and jumped on the ice! It was really fun, I made a lot of new friends. We all knew that it wasn't going to break, but we still had a fun time jumping! I got all my storage accounts and others got their's, it was a huge turnout. Here are some pictures!
There was also a bully who kept telling us "It didn't work." and "Stop wasting your time." Thankfully, all my nice buddies and me were able to get her to turn nice and she joined in on our hopping because, "I have nothing better to do, alright.".
I think I actually had 10 storage accounts hopping! Other non-members that were on their only account were apparently hopping because they believe the myth that "Free Membership" comes to you if you break the ice.
BUT GUESS WHAT? Yesterday night, before I went to go do laser-tag, I was talking to good friend Panda over gmail. I was scrolling through my blog, and I got off to look at the Layout. Once I got back onto my actual blog, I saw that I reacher 2,000 VIEWS!